The Practice Schedule below will begin on January 7th

When there is a tournament at Foothill Practices will be after the tournament Starting at 6pm 


Saturday February 24th Practice Like Sunday Schedule below but on Saturday

14 Kayla will practice Sunday at 6pm 

Sunday April 14th No Practice Football Fundraiser Big Gym 

Sunday April 21st No Practice Shasta Magic BB tournament 


2024 Practice Schedule Sunday Schedule 
Team Name Time Day of Week Location
18- Alicia/ Cj 4:00pm.-6:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
17 Mikaela

4-6 pm Jan 7th then

12:00- 2:00p.m. after 

Sunday Foothill High School
17- Red Bluff Green 7:30-9:30 Sunday Red Bluff High School
17- Red Bluff Black 7:30-9:30 Sunday Red Bluff High School
16-Pablo / Georgia 12:00-2:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
16 Cassie                  Contact Coach  Sunday Berrendos Middle School
16- Red Bluff 7:30-9:30 Sunday Red Bluff High School
16- Megan 4:00-6:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
14- Kayla 12:00-2:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
14- Nancy Contact Coach Sunday Berrendos Middle School
14-Brooke / Hannah 4:00-6:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
14-Jayda/Evie 2:00-4:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
14 - Kate 4:00-6:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
14-Cassity /Audrey 2:00-4:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
12-Kelsey 200-400 p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
12- Mia/Sheree 2:00-4:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School
12- Emily/Olivia 2:00-4:00p.m. Sunday Foothill High School